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5 Tips for Selecting Hearing Aids

Today’s hearing aids are more innovative than ever before. With much to choose from, navigating your options can be overwhelming. Your hearing healthcare provider will provide significant guidance, recommending devices that can optimally meet your hearing needs. To better prepare for this process and help you choose the best device for you, here are a few helpful tips you can …

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Can Hearing Loss Affect Your Mood? 

Hearing is a major way we navigate and experience everyday life. So when hearing is impaired, the effects can be significant. In addition to straingin communication, untreated hearing loss can impact relationships, social life, and overall health. It can also take a toll on one’s mood and how you feel on a daily basis. This is evidenced by the extensive …

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Noise & Hearing Health

Did you know that noise is a common cause of hearing loss? Noise induced hearing loss can be caused by one time or regular exposure to loud noise. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, over 30 million people are regularly exposed to excessive noise. It is important to take inventory of the noise in your everyday environment and to practice …

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What Causes Hearing Loss?

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common health condition that people live with today? Over 48 million people have hearing loss, highlighting that the prevalence of hearing loss is twice as common as diabetes or cancer. Learning about what exactly causes hearing loss and how you can prioritize care for your hearing can significantly support your …

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Older Adults & Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is the third most common medical condition that older adults live with today. Hearing loss reduces capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound which affects hearing and communication. This has multifaceted effects including impacting care for older adults. This is evidenced by various studies that show that older adults with hearing loss are more likely …

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Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing

Loud noise is a common cause of hearing loss. Known as noise induced hearing loss, this can be caused by one time or repeated exposure to loud noise. Though you may be thinking that noise levels have to be extremely high to damage hearing, what is considered “loud” noise is surprising. We are exposed to hazardous sources of noise in …

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Understanding Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common medical condition that people experience today? Over 48 million people have some degree of hearing loss, exceeding rates of cancer and diabetes. Though hearing loss is pervasive, it still remains widely undertreated. In fact, only a third of people who could benefit from treatment, actually receive it. Learning more …

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10 Healthy Hearing Habits

There are numerous ways you can protect your hearing health and wellness. Integrating the following healthy habits into your everyday life can reduce your risk of experiencing hearing loss.  Contact us today to learn more about the resources, services, and technologies that are available to support your hearing health!

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Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss

Though hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions people live with today, it still remains widely undertreated. Over 48 million, or 1 in 5, people have some degree of hearing loss. But only a third of people who could benefit from treatment, actually receive it. Untreated hearing loss can have profound effects on everyday life, health, and …

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Can Earbud Use Cause Hearing Loss

Using earbuds is a common way people listen to audio. From music to podcasts and talking on the phone; earbuds have become everyday items. While they make it convenient to listen to audio, earbud use can actually impact hearing health. Earbuds can release soundwaves into the ear at a high volume, high enough to contribute to noise induced hearing loss. …