Winter-Proof Your Hearing Aids: Your Friendly Guide to Cold Weather Care
As we enter the winter season, we’re bracing ourselves for snow, ice, and cold temperatures. If you’re a hearing aid wearer, you’ll want to know how to protect your devices from the cold. Hearing aids, while durable and dependable, can be a bit sensitive when it comes to extreme temperatures and moisture. Let’s explore how winter can affect your hearing aids and what you can do to keep them in top shape during the colder months.
How Does Winter Impact Your Devices?
So what exactly does winter do to your devices? Here are some of the ways the colder temperatures can impact your hearing devices.
1. Batteries Run Out of Power Faster: When it’s cold outside, hearing aid batteries are susceptible to damage. Cold temperatures can slow down the chemical reactions that power hearing aid batteries, meaning they might not last as long as you’d like. So, you might find yourself changing those batteries more often and needing to use more batteries during colder weather.
2. Moisture Damage: You’d think cold air means no moisture, right? Well, not quite. When you move from the cold outdoors to a warm, toasty room, you create the perfect environment for condensation inside your hearing aids. This moisture can wreak havoc on the sensitive electronic parts inside. During the winter months, you’ll need to be on the lookout for moisture damage.
3. Earpiece Discomfort: Cold weather can make your hearing aid earpieces feel a bit stiff and uncomfortable. If you’ve worn them for an extended period in winter, you know what we mean – it’s not exactly a warm, cozy feeling. Discomfort and irritation can impact your hearing if your devices get too cold.
Winter Tips for Your Hearing Aids
Now that you’re up to speed on hearing aid challenges you might face in the winter, let’s look at ways you can protect your hearing aids during the winter.
1. Batteries: Keep extra batteries on hand during the winter, even if you’ve just changed your batteries. The cold can make them lose their power quicker, so always carry spares. You never know when you might need those backup batteries. Give your spare batteries a snug spot in your warm pocket or inside coat pocket. Putting them in your bag may expose them to more cold than they can handle.
2. Moisture: One of the best things you can do for your hearing aids this winter season is to invest in a hearing aid dehumidifier. This device will dry out your devices overnight, so you don’t have to worry about moisture damage. If you’re not ready for a dehumidifier, you can go old school and use an airtight container with a desiccant, like those little silica gel packs you find in your shoebox. They can wick away moisture and dry out your devices. If you’re using this method to dry your devices, take out the batteries before you put your devices in the container.
3. Earpieces: When your earpieces start feeling stiff, it’s time to break out the earmuffs or a snug, warm hat. You’ll keep your ears toasty and keep your hearing aids warm, preventing discomfort. If you’ve noticed any discomfort, visit us for an adjustment and fitting. A well-fitted device should be comfortable for extended wear.
More Tips for Winter Weather
Here are a few more things you can do for your hearing aids during the winter months:
- Hearing Aid Covers: If your hearing aids have weather-resistant or waterproof covers, wear them during snowy or rainy adventures.
- Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Winter means more encounters with dust and moisture. Keep your hearing aids in great condition by giving them a gentle wipe-down with a soft, dry cloth.
- Professional Checkups: During the winter, schedule regular checkups with your hearing healthcare professional. We’ll help you keep your devices clean and dry and catch any potential issues.
Maintaining Your Hearing Aids
Whatever the season, it’s important to maintain your hearing aids so they help you hear all the sounds around you. Regular cleanings and checkups will help you do just that. Visit us for hearing aid maintenance, and let’s make sure your hearing aids are ready for winter.