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Your Tinnitus Treatment Options

Tinnitus, commonly described as ringing in the ears, affects more people than you may realize. This condition can vary from a mild annoyance that comes and goes, to a chronic, debilitating experience affecting your quality of life.  Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all cure for tinnitus, but various treatment options can significantly reduce its impact. Let’s explore some of the tinnitus …

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How Real Ear Measurements Make Hearing Aids Fit Just Right

Did you know that your ears are as unique as your fingerprints? That’s why when you get hearing aids, they need to be adjusted so they’re perfect for your ears. One test that helps us adjust your hearing aids is called Real Ear Measurements (REM). If you think you might need hearing aids, here’s what you should know about REM …

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A Caregiver’s Guide to Managing Hearing Loss and Dementia

Caring for someone with dementia is a big responsibility. It is often complicated by additional challenges such as hearing loss. It is estimated that people with hearing loss have a higher risk of cognitive decline, so treating hearing loss should be a top priority. September is World Alzheimer’s Month, and it’s a perfect opportunity to spread awareness and discuss strategies …

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Protecting Your Hearing During Summer Activities

We’ve all been enjoying outdoor activities and fun in the sun. From music festivals and fireworks displays to recreational water sports and social gatherings, summer is a time to soak it all in. However, amidst all the fun, it’s important to remember to protect our hearing from potential damage caused by loud noises. Let’s explore how you can safeguard your …

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How to Safely Clean Your Ears

Ear hygiene is part of maintaining our overall health and well-being. While the ears are equipped with a natural self-cleaning mechanism, it’s common for individuals to seek methods for removing excess earwax. However, improper ear cleaning practices can lead to discomfort, injury, and even damage to the delicate structures of the ear. Understanding the Ear’s Self-Cleaning Process The human ear …

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Coping with Noise Sensitivity

Noise sensitivity, also known as sound sensitivity or phonophobia, can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. This can include feeling overwhelmed in bustling environments or experiencing physical discomfort due to loud sounds. Let’s take a look at the challenges of noise sensitivity, valuable coping techniques, and ways to create an environment conducive to peace and tranquility. Understanding Noise Sensitivity …

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What You Can Expect During a Hearing Test

If you suspect you have hearing loss or are simply taking proactive steps to monitor your hearing health, scheduling a hearing test is an important first step. However, the idea of a hearing test can sometimes be daunting, especially if you’re not sure what to expect. Understanding the different components of a hearing test and knowing what will happen during …

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Protecting Your Hearing Aids in Hot Weather

Hot weather can cause significant damage to hearing aids, reducing their lifespan and functionality. High temperatures and humidity levels can cause moisture build-up, battery corrosion, physical damage to the devices, and more. Let’s take a closer look at the challenges and dangers of hot weather, review maintenance tips, and discover how you can extend the lifespan of your devices. The …

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How to Talk About Your Hearing Loss

Talking about your hearing loss can be a sensitive and challenging topic, but open communication is essential for understanding, empathy, and support from others. Whether you’re discussing your hearing loss with family, friends, coworkers, or strangers, being able to articulate your experiences and needs can lead to more meaningful connections, better support, and increased awareness. Understanding Your Hearing Loss Before …

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Poolside Communication Tips for People with Hearing Aids

The poolside is a place of relaxation, fun, and connection. However, for individuals with hearing aids, communicating in poolside environments can be challenging. The combination of splashing water, background noise, and distance can make it difficult to stay connected. Let’s explore essential communication tips for people with hearing aids to help you enjoy the pool this summer. Waterproof Hearing Aids …