Tips for Selecting Hearing Aids
The world of hearing assistance is a vast and varied network of devices, and manufacturers and developers are coming up with new models and features every day. When you picture a hearing aid, it is quite likely you’re imagining something from the past, and technological developments have made it possible for hearing aids to do more and more with less and less physical space. With this wide variety of hearing aids available, you might feel lost and overwhelmed.
The good news is that your hearing healthcare professional is an expert at connecting people with the right set of hearing aids for their needs. All you need to do is get the test and have a conversation about your individual needs and lifestyle. With this assurance in mind, there are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when selecting your hearing aids. You want to make sure to get the most out of the process, so these principles will help you connect with the right pair of aids.
Describe Hearing Difficulty
When you come in for your diagnosis, we will perform a hearing test to determine the specific nature of your needs. This hearing test is simple, easy, and relatively brief, but it gives us most of the information we need to connect you with the right aids. However, it is also helpful for you to describe situations in which hearing was difficult for you. For instance, if you find it difficult to pick out one voice among many in a crowd, this fact can help us better understand how to help you. You might notice that certain places or voices are difficult for you to hear or that certain sounds are totally missing from your hearing. Be sure to share this information during your consultation and diagnosis.
Describe Your Lifestyle
There might be certain features that are suited to your individual needs. For instance, if you take part in outdoor activities or recreational sports, you might need hearing aids that are resistant to water and debris. In addition, you might have arthritis or other problems with manual dexterity that would make it difficult to handle your hearing aids. In that case, the tiniest hearing aids might not be suited to you. You also might do better with rechargeable aids rather than hearing aids that need tiny batteries replaced. If you are a music lover, you might even want hearing aids that are Bluetooth compatible, making it possible to stream music and media directly to your aids. Each of these possibilities requires you to offer up information, so try to think about what makes your lifestyle unique. We will do our best to ask you about these issues, as well.
Consider Special Features
Some people jump at the opportunity to adopt new technology. They are eager to make the most of what recent developments have to offer and don’t feel afraid about those options. Other people would rather stick with the basics. Instead of getting the latest and greatest, they might be more inclined to use technology that has already been proven effective. Whatever your openness to technology, get to know a bit about what is possible.
One of the best innovations in hearing aid technology is the connection to smartphone apps. These apps make it possible to change the settings in your aids without removing them, and you can adjust the settings in quite specific ways, as well. For instance, you can raise the level of voice, while reducing the low tones of background noise. You can save these settings for the places you frequent, making it possible to enhance what you want to hear and eliminate what you don’t with the touch of a button. Knowing that this new feature is available might make you more open to the possibilities of the latest hearing aids.
With these principles in mind, you will be well-equipped to get a new set of hearing aids. If the options feel overwhelming, don’t worry. Our professionals are experts at connecting you to the right set of hearing aids not only based on the results of your hearing test but also based on what we learn from you about your individual needs.