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Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer’s Month

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, and we’re participating in raising awareness about the effects of this degenerative brain disease, how hearing loss is connected to your brain health, and what you can do to avoid Alzheimer’s Disease. What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common kind of dementia, a degenerative brain disease that affects your memory, thinking, behavior, …

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Why You Should Treat Your Hearing with Us!

You aren’t alone if you think hearing loss is a condition impacting your life. About 20% of Americans report hearing loss, or approximately 48 million people. There are several different courses you can take, but the first step in finding solutions is to schedule a hearing test and seek an audiologist to guide you along your path to better hearing.  …

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Nutrients That Can Support Your Hearing Health

“You are what you eat!” is a phrase we’ve all heard. It turns out that this is also true for the health of your ears. Several studies have shown that the nutrients and vitamins in a healthy, well-balanced diet help protect and keep your hearing in good shape.  Let’s look at some of these studies and talk about the foods …

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How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

If you are starting to suspect that you are living with a hearing loss, it is in your best interest not to ignore the issue. When you ignore hearing loss, you are not only ignoring your hearing but every aspect of your total health.  Being able to hear what people and the world around us are trying to convey is …

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Working with Hearing Loss

Did you know that about 60% of the people who work in the U.S. have trouble hearing? Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the U.S., affecting around 48 million people. One in three people over the age of 65 has hearing loss, and half of those over 75 have hearing loss. At the same time, Americans …

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Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

When we first get the idea that hearing loss might be a problem, we might do a number of different things. Some people try to get help as soon as possible because they want to be able to talk again and fully participate in the sound world. Others don’t want to get help for a variety of personal reasons, and …

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Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

Hearing loss is a common, hidden condition. Hearing loss causes obstacles that are not evident to others. As a result, we must pay special attention to individuals who must work extra hard to communicate and participate in everyday conversations about which we know little.  If we keep alert and educated, we may employ communication strategies that assist individuals dealing with …

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Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Hearing loss has become the fastest-growing health concern in the US. When we think of our hearing, we don’t seem to incorporate it into our overall health program as one would when it comes to the health of our heart or eyesight, or blood pressure. Myths about hearing loss are prevalent and need to be debunked. To encourage you to …

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Focusing on Hearing Health Can Enhance Elderly Care

Hospital care for older patients can be complex for various reasons, but one thing that’s been pointed out in medical literature recently is the difficulty posed by hearing loss. Effective medical treatment can be difficult or impossible when the patient has untreated hearing loss. Even more than we might guess, medical care relies on the dialogue between the patient, nurses, …

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Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

If you have a family member or friend who has hearing loss, you may ask yourself: What does it sound like for them? What is it like for them to communicate with others? And what is it like for them to hear their voices? It’s not just the obvious things you might wonder about, such as how it feels for …