When most people think about hearing loss, they likely think about the frustration of not being able to hear loved ones, or the embarrassment of constantly asking people to repeat themselves. But did you know that hearing loss may also be linked to cognitive decline? In this blog post, we’ll explore the connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline, and …
Communicating with Your Loved Ones who Have Hearing Loss
If you have a family member with hearing loss, you know how hard it is for the whole family. Your family member trying hard to hear gets angry or stops talking to you, so they don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of mishearing or answering incorrectly. As the grandkids and other family members spend more time with the hearing …
Tips for Communicating if You Have Hearing Loss
Communicating with hearing loss can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Whether you have been living with hearing loss for a while or have recently been diagnosed, it’s important to understand that there are ways to make communication easier. In this blog post, we will be discussing 10 tips for communicating if you have hearing loss, as well as how …