The world of hearing assistance is a vast and varied network of devices, and manufacturers and developers are coming up with new models and features every day. When you picture a hearing aid, it is quite likely you’re imagining something from the past, and technological developments have made it possible for hearing aids to do more and more with less …
Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test
When hearing loss first occurs, people have a wide variety of responses. Some people jump at the opportunity to get help right away. They know that their conversations and other aspects of life can suffer from this limitation, and they are eager to fix the problem as soon as possible. Others are excited about getting hearing aids. These devices come …
Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss
For some people, there can be no doubt at all that hearing loss has become an issue. The problem can become quite profound not only for the individual but also for family, friends, and loved ones. However, many others can be unsure whether they have hearing loss or not. When it first begins, the process can be quite gradual, and …